june 3-6 | 9AM-Noon
Vacation Bible School
God’s rock solid truth in a world of shifting sands
What time and where do I drop off and pick up my child?
At Bell Shoals safety is a top priority. You will receive a parent security card with a unique code for each child the first day at drop off. This card will be required daily for dismissal. Please have the security card in hand to show your child’s leader daily.
Brandon: In the event that you lose your security card, please stop at the VBS Help Desk in the Special Events Center (SEC) Concourse in the Kids building for assistance in replacing your card. Please be prepared with a photo id for verification.
Apollo Beach Campus: In the event that you lose your security card, please stop at the VBS Help Desk in the Worship Center Lobby for assistance in replacing your card. Please be prepared with a photo id for verification.
Parent Tip: Snap a picture of your security card with your smart phone as soon as you receive it. If you forget your card or need a different family member to pick-up your child, you can text them the picture of the security card with the security number. Please make sure that the person picking up is on your approved pick up list.
All kids drop off and pick up in the Worship Center.
Drop Off: All participants must be walked into the building by a parent or guardian daily. The registration lobby will open at 8:30am, but our main session doors do not open until 8:45am.
Pick Up: Doors to our Worship Center will open to parents after all kids/leaders have entered. Please keep the aisles clear until pick up begins promptly at 12:00 pm.
What happens if I need to pick up my child early or drop them off late?
If you need to pick up or drop off a child during VBS, please go to VBS Help Desk and provide your child’s information. You will be assisted in locating your child’s group for drop off or pick up. Make sure you have your pick-up security card or photo I.D.
Early pick up ends at 11:30 am. Please plan to pick up by then or proceed to the Worship Center to pick up at our scheduled 12:00 pm release time.
Apollo Beach: VBS Help Desk located in Worship Center Lobby
Brandon: VBS Help Desk located in Special Events Center (SEC) Concourse
What snacks will be served this week?
- Monday: Goldfish
- Tuesday: Oreos
- Wednesday: Popcorn
- Thursday: Icee Pops
What if my child has allergies?
We will provide a Veggie Straws snack for any child who cannot eat what is being served. Parents may provide a different snack for their child with allergies. Please place in a brown paper sack with child’s name and group number labeled on the outside of the bag. Please do not send anything that needs to be refrigerated.
What is this year’s Mission Project?
Check back here for details about this year’s mission emphasis!
What do I do if my child wants to bring a friend after VBS begins? Can they still register?
We welcome friends all week! They just need to register at our registration table prior to the start of VBS that day. If you are bringing the child of another neighbor or friend, please make sure you have the child’s information:
- Birth Date
- Grade completing
- Address
- Any allergy/medical concerns
- Contact phone number of parents
- Emergency contact information
What does my child need to wear during the week?
Your child should wear comfortable clothing and closed toe shoes for indoor and outdoor activities.
Can I stay on campus while my child participates in VBS?
For the safety and security of all children, we ask that only approved and screened volunteers remain on campus.
Do you have a nurse or medically trained person on campus during VBS?
We have a nurse available as part of our safety policy for VBS. Should a child have any type of injury or medical need, they will be attended to by the medical staff member who will call the parent or emergency contact if necessary. Please note: Staff and volunteers are NOT permitted to hold on to EpiPens or medication of any kind.
Fun All Week
Monday: Truth Comes from God
The Story: Satan Tricked Adam and Eve
The Scripture: Genesis 2–3
Bonus Verse: Psalm 119:160
Tuesday: God’s Plan is Best
The Story: Daniel Chose God’s Way
The Scripture: Daniel 1
Bonus Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6
Wednesday: Everyone Needs Jesus
The Story: The Rich Young Ruler
The Scripture: Mark 10:17-27
Bonus Verse: Romans 3:23-24
Thursday: Jesus is the Only Way
The Story: John Wrote about Jesus
The Scripture: John 14:1-6; 18–20; Acts 1:9-12
Bonus Verse: Acts 4:12
*VBS volunteer’s children 2 and under will receive Veggie Straws or Cheerios for a snack.