What’s your next step?
At Bell Shoals, we want our people to be engaged in a journey of purpose and fulfillment. We call this journey, The Pathway.

We worship because God is worthy.
We gather together to worship each week as a church family and we worship each day through our personal experiences, attitudes, and actions.

We connect because we are created for community.
We weren’t designed to live life alone. Through Life Groups we come together as a community, cultivate lasting relationships, and learn more about God’s plan for our lives.

We serve because we are contributors, not consumers.
God has given us a unique set of gifts and abilities to help fuel the movement of the local church. We provide on-campus ministry opportunities and we engage in missions locally, nationally, and across the world.

We grow deeper because God isn’t finished with us.
We are meant for more. Through Disciple-Making Groups we provide a safe, closed environment to allow for deep relationships, and high-level accountability. Our D-Groups consist of 4-6 men or women (gender specific) and focus on making disciples who go and make disciples.
Baptism is your public declaration that you have entered into a relationship with Jesus. If you are already a Christ-Follower, baptism may be your next step.
Next Steps Lunch
Need more info? Meet our staff and learn more about being a part of our faith family at one of our Next Steps Lunches.